Baby led weaning, BLW, how to start weaning

Exploring Baby-Led Weaning: Starting Solid Foods

Hello, dear parents and caregivers! 🌟

Welcome to an exciting chapter of your parenting journey—baby-led weaning. If you're curious about what baby-led weaning is and how it can be a fantastic way to introduce solid foods to your little one, you've come to the right place. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll dive into the concept of baby-led weaning, guided by UK recommendations, and explore how it empowers babies to discover the wonderful world of food at their own pace.

Baby girl weaning


Understanding Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)

So, what exactly is baby-led weaning? Baby-led weaning is a method of introducing solid foods that allows your baby to take the lead in their feeding journey. Unlike traditional weaning methods, where purees and spoon-feeding are the norm, baby-led weaning encourages your little one to explore a variety of age-appropriate, family-friendly foods through self-feeding vs being fed.


The Basics of Baby-Led Weaning

Baby-led weaning is guided by several core principles that make it a unique and appealing approach to starting solids:

  1. Self-Feeding: One of the central tenets of baby-led weaning is that your baby self-feeds from the very beginning. Instead of being spoon-fed, they are encouraged to pick up, touch, and taste a variety of foods using their hands.
  2. Age-Appropriate Foods: Foods introduced through baby-led weaning should be suitable for your baby's age and developmental stage. Initially, this means offering soft, easy-to-grasp foods that minimise choking risks.
  3. Family Meals: Baby-led weaning encourages your baby to join in with family meals as soon as they are ready. This helps them develop social and eating skills while feeling part of the family.
  4. No Pressure: With baby-led weaning, there's no pressure on your baby to eat a specific amount of food. It's all about exploration and learning to enjoy mealtime at their own pace.
  5. Safety First: Safety is paramount in baby-led weaning. Parents and caregivers should be aware of choking hazards and take steps to minimise risks during mealtimes.


Why is Baby Led Weaning Popular?

Now that we've covered the basics, you might be wondering why baby-led weaning is popular among parents in the UK. Let's explore some of the benefits:

  1. Developmental Milestones: Baby-led weaning supports the development of essential skills, including fine motor skills (through grasping and manipulating food), hand-eye coordination, and oral motor skills (through chewing and swallowing).
  2. Autonomy and Independence: Baby-led weaning encourages independence from the start. Your baby gets to decide what, how much, and how quickly they want to eat, fostering a healthy relationship with food.
  3. Family Bonding: By involving your baby in family mealtimes, baby-led weaning promotes a sense of togetherness and social interaction, helping your little one feel like an integral part of the family.
  4. Food Exploration: Baby-led weaning exposes your baby to a wide range of textures, flavours, and aromas, making them more likely to develop adventurous and less picky eating habits.
  5. Reduced Mealtime Stress: Without the pressure to spoon-feed a specific quantity, baby-led weaning can lead to less mealtime stress for both parents and babies

Starting Baby-Led Weaning: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you're intrigued by the idea of baby-led weaning, let's walk through the process of getting started. Remember, every baby is unique, and it's essential to be patient and flexible as you embark on this journey together.

  1. Know When Your Baby Is Ready

The ideal time to start baby-led weaning is typically around six months of age. At this point, most babies have the physical and developmental readiness for solid foods. However, it's essential to look for signs of readiness, such as:

  • Sitting up with minimal support
  • Showing interest in what others are eating
  • The disappearance of the tongue-thrust reflex (where babies automatically push out objects with their tongue)
  • Ability to grasp and bring objects to the mouth
  1. Select Suitable Foods

When it comes to choosing foods for baby-led weaning, think about texture, size, and nutritional value. Ideal starter foods include:

  • Soft fruits like banana or avocado slices
  • Steamed vegetables such as carrots or sweet potatoes cut into finger-sized pieces
  • Toasted bread or baby-appropriate rice cakes
  • Well-cooked pasta
  • Strips of cooked chicken or beef
  • Cooked fish (ensure there are no bones)
  • Plain yogurt or soft cheese

Remember that foods should be easy for your baby to grasp and not pose a choking hazard. Cut or prepare them into shapes that are safe for your little one to handle.

  1. Be Mindful of Choking Hazards

Safety is paramount in baby-led weaning. Always be aware of choking hazards and take steps to minimise risks:

  • Avoid small, hard foods like nuts, popcorn, or whole grapes.
  • Cook vegetables until they are soft and easy to squish between your fingers.
  • Remove any bones or sharp edges from meats and fish.
  • Supervise your baby closely during mealtimes.
  • Participate in a Baby First Aid course so you are knowledgeable and prepared.
  1. Create a Positive Mealtime Environment

Make mealtimes a positive and enjoyable experience for your baby. Eat together as a family whenever possible, as this encourages your little one to mimic your actions and develop healthy eating habits. Use appropriate feeding equipment, such as a high chair or booster seat, to ensure safety and comfort.

  1. Allow Exploration and Mess

Baby-led weaning can be messy, but it's all part of the learning process. Let your baby explore food's textures, smells, and tastes with their hands. Expect a fair amount of food to end up on the floor, but don't worry; this is a normal part of the journey.

  1. Respect Your Baby's Appetite

With baby-led weaning, there's no need to coax your baby to eat a certain amount. Let them decide how much they want to eat, as their appetite can vary from day to day. Mealtime is as much about exploration and learning as it is about nourishment.

  1. Introduce a Variety of Foods

As your baby becomes more comfortable with solids, gradually introduce a variety of foods. This helps them experience different tastes and textures, expanding their palate and reducing the likelihood of developing picky eating habits. Check out our Baby’s First 100 Foods Checklist as a helpful resource

  1. Be Patient and Supportive

Every baby progresses at their own pace. Some take to baby-led weaning quickly, while others may need more time to adjust. Be patient, and provide encouragement without pressure.


Baby weaning


Common Concerns About Baby-Led Weaning

As you embark on the baby-led weaning journey, you might encounter a few common concerns. Let's address them:

  1. Choking Risk: Choking can be a concern with baby-led weaning, but it's essential to differentiate between choking and gagging. Gagging is a normal reflex that helps babies learn to manage their food and is accompanied with coughing or even vomiting to move the food away from their airways. To reduce the risk of choking, always offer age-appropriate, safe foods and supervise your baby during mealtimes. Participate in a baby first aid course so you are trained to deal with a choking incident. 
  2. Nutritional Adequacy: Some parents worry that their baby won't consume enough nutrients through baby-led weaning. However, as long as you offer a variety of nutritious foods, your baby should be able to meet their nutritional needs. Continue breastfeeding or formula feeding alongside solids to ensure balanced nutrition.
  3. Messiness: Baby-led weaning can indeed be messy, but it's all part of the learning process. Try coverall bibs, a high chair with a removable tray for easy cleaning, and have wipes or a damp cloth on hand for quick clean-ups.
  4. Slower Progress: Baby-led weaning can be slower in terms of food intake compared to traditional spoon-feeding. However, this is perfectly normal. Your baby's main source of nutrition should continue to be breast milk or formula until around one year of age.
  5. Food Waste: It's natural for some food to go uneaten or end up on the floor during baby-led weaning. To minimise waste, offer smaller portions and only add more if your baby shows interest in eating more.
  6. Allergies: When introducing allergenic foods, such as peanuts or eggs, start with a small amount and monitor your baby closely for any signs of allergies. Consult your healthcare provider if you have concerns about food allergies. You can find a full list of them on our free Baby Feeding Charts (pop your email here for immediate access). Allergens should be introduced one at a time waiting 3-5 days between to spot any reactions.


Final Thoughts - Embracing the Journey Together

Baby-led weaning is a beautiful, nurturing approach to introducing your baby to solid foods. It empowers your little one to explore, discover, and develop a healthy relationship with food from an early age. As you embark on this journey together, remember that it's not just about nourishment; it's about fostering independence, curiosity, and a love for good food. As a parent only you can decide the best weaning path for you and our little one. Some parents opt for BLW, others prefer feeding themselves and some like to use a combination of feeding techniques. 

As always, trust your baby's cues, be patient, and enjoy watching them grow into confident little eaters. With baby-led weaning, you're not just nourishing their bodies; you're nurturing their spirit and laying the foundation for a lifetime of positive eating experiences.

Here's to many delightful, mess-filled meals and the joy of discovering new flavours together!

All my support,

Amber 💕

Mama & Chomp Founder

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This blog has been created in consultation with baby healthcare professionals and NHS Guidelines. Speak to a medical professional immediately if you have any concerns about the health of your child.

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